“Be the health care provider of preference and choice for both patients and clinicians, which re-invests profits back into primary care.”

Enhanced Access
Resources for PCN's

Click on your PCN button above to download a range of resources to assist you in promoting the Enhanced Access Service to your patients.
Frequently Asked Questions – Marketing Support
1. What shall I put on my practice website and NHS Choices about the Enhanced Access service?
It is important to make sure your practice website and NHS Choices is updated to include information about the
Enhanced Access Service.
2. What can I include on my practice leaflet about the Enhanced Access service?
Your practice leaflet should be updated to include a description on the Enhanced Access service, how to book an
appointment, the hub address and opening hours. All this information can be copied from the posters / leaflets available above in the relevant hub section.
3. What can I put on the digital screens in my waiting room?
A template is available in the ‘screens for surgeries’ section in the relevant hub section below. You can adapt the copy to suit your requirements.
4. What information can I give patients enquiring about Enhanced Access service?
Please adapt the Frequently Asked Questions sheet to include specific details about the Enhanced Access Service available from your practice. This can then be printed and made available in the waiting room.
5. What information should my team give to a patient once they have made an appointment?
Patients will need to know where they need to travel to for their appointment, parking details and how to plan their
journey (using public transport driving). The leaflet/ posters provide links to help patients plan their journeys.