“Be the health care provider of preference and choice for both patients and clinicians, which re-invests profits back into primary care.”
Enhanced Access Service
Improving Access to General Practices
West Cheshire is part of a national effort to provide sufficient routine appointments at evenings and weekends to meet locally determined demand, alongside effective access to out of hours and urgent care services.
This has been an NHS England priority, because whilst public satisfaction with general practice has remained high, in recent years patients have increasingly reported, through the GP Patient Survey, more difficulty in accessing services including a decline in good overall experience of making an appointment in general practice.
We strive to provide access to the right person, providing the right care, in the right place at the right time by providing routine evening and weekend appointments with a GP or Advanced Nurse Practitioner.

When are these appointments available?
Evening and weekend consultations are available via the Enhanced Access Service:
Monday - Friday 6.30pm to 8pm
Saturday 9am to 5pm
Who can access these appointments?
All patients registered with a GP Practice in West Cheshire will be able to access these appointments.
How do I make an appointment?
In the first instance we would advise patients to contact their individual GP practice for more information on their extended access service and how patients can make appointments.
What can I be seen for?
A GP Enhanced Access appointment is exactly like an appointment at your own GP practice. The service can see babies and children.
Will I see my own GP and/or Acute Nurse Prescriber (Minor Illness Nurse)?
You will be seen by local GPs and ANPs, but it is unlikely that you will be seen by your own GP or ANP. If you would prefer to see your usual GP or practice nurse, please book an appointment with your usual practice during their normal opening hours.
Will the GP I see have access to my medical record during my appointment?
Your medical record will, with your consent, be available to the GP/ANP that sees you, to ensure that they have the information they need to give you the best possible care. Notes of your appointment will be sent back to your own GP practice to ensure that your record is up-to-date. An appointment with this service will be just like an appointment at your own GP practice.
Further details on Enhanced Access Support can be found on the NHS England website here.