Breastfeeding Celebration Week
As the end of Breastfeeding Celebration Week draws to a close and following a week of posting daily on social media platforms to promote Breastfeeding Awareness and the support Mums, Dads and the wider family circle can access.
Organisations and Breastfeeding groups are readily available and accessible face to face or virtually to share experiences, advice and offer encouragement to each other.
One of our Wellbeing Co-ordinators, Kate Francis has put together an extensive list of such support groups and organisations accessible across West Cheshire and further, see below:
Chester NCT - Chester | NCT Includes nearly new sales, Breastfeeding Friendly Chester (also has a Facebook page / group) and Baby First Aid courses
Cherubs of Cheshire support group (listed as Cheshire East but very active closed Facebook group)
Milestone Mums (mental health focus, Facebook group plus meetings / walks / lunches)
Kidsbank - for any family in need of clothing / baby equipment
Starting Well / Stanlaw Abbey children's centre - they were running a breasfeeding support group (hopefully up and running again soon) also doing a Parents Open Advice Clinic. Plus all the other children's centres.
Bosom Buddies Facebook support group
Koala North West - Home - Koala North West (
PANDAs - Home page - PANDAS Foundation UK Online support / helpline
Hyperlocal Wellness Walks - for new parents - Facebook group
CWP Perinatal support - Cheshire and Mersey Specialist Perinatal Service (CWP local team) | CWP accessed through health visitors
Home Start Cheshire - Home-Start Cheshire | There for parents when they need us most, because childhood can't wait ( although I believe it currently excludes Chester and Ellesmere Port..
SPACE - for parents who have a child with additional needs - SPACE (
Who let the Dads out group - hopefully to come back to Hoole soon
New Mums of Chester - very big Facebook group
La Leche League Chester Breastfeeding Support - Facebook group
Chester Sling Library - Chester Sling Library
Bloom Ellesmere Port - baby classes with a focus on post-natal depression
Sweaty Mama Chester - Work out with your baby, see Facebook
Buggyfit - Classes in Chester, hopefully will start again
National Breastfeeding Helpline
