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A Day in the Life of a Wellbeing Coordinator - Philippa Dove

The Wellbeing Service at Chester South PCN (Handbridge, Lache, City Walls and Western Avenue Surgeries)

My name is Philippa and I am the Wellbeing Coordinator at Chester South PCN. I have been in post for 6 years.

What do you do within your role?

Within my role, I speak with patients about a multitude of problems, issues which are having a negative impact on a person’s health and wellbeing. It is my goal to improve the non-medical problems which in turn will improve how someone is feeling. I do this by giving the gift of time and work hard to link patients into services and provide information and advice that can specifically support, whilst empowering people to make positive life changes.

What sort of problems do you discuss?

Problems raised can be to do with the stresses of the caring role, benefits, debt, social isolation, amongst many others.

Who can work with the Wellbeing Coordinator?

This service is open to patients over 18, with a long-term health condition.

Describe a typical day and some of the problems that you discuss.

Every day is diverse, and no day the same within my role as a Wellbeing Coordinator. A typical day can vary but will primarily be focused on listening to how people are feeling and what the main stressors are.

For example, in a typical day, I have spoken with a lady who cares for her husband with dementia. We have discussed benefits and she has been referred to a service to support with claiming Attendance Allowance and Council Tax reduction.

I have then spoken with a gentleman about his alcohol usage and have linked him in with alcohol support services.

Next, I speak with a lady who is struggling with debt and in need of financial support. She consents to being contacted by a local debt advice service that can act as a mediator and work to consolidate her debts, making them easier to manage.

I then chat with a young mum, struggling with her mental health, and provide options of local services that can promote positive mental health and reduce social isolation, allowing her to meet new people who can empathise and relate to her circumstances.

I finish the day by chatting with a gentleman, recently made redundant and struggling with how to find new work. We look at different organisations that can focus on 1-2-1 support with improving confidence, looking at work experience, qualifications and provide detailed input so he can take positive steps in a new line of work.

I can support people with all these problems, leading to positive outcomes.

How do I refer into the service?

If you feel that this service would be of benefit to you, you can self-refer into the Wellbeing Service by speaking with a Health Professional at the Surgery. I will give you a call to have a chat about your circumstances and to see if I can suggest any information, advice or services that can support. I look forward to working with you! 😊


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