Baby Loss Awareness Week
Baby Loss Awareness Week is held annually from 9th to 15th October. It gives bereaved parents, family and friends a special opportunity to honour the lives of babies lost in pregnancy, at or soon after birth. The week also allows the chance for people to talk openly, breaking the stigma attached to this life event and raise awareness of baby loss and pregnancy loss.
During this week, more than 100 other charities and groups work together to raise awareness.
This year Baby Loss Awareness Week has a focus theme of ‘wellbeing’. Each day during #BLAW2021 a different topic within the overall theme has been explored culminating on Friday 15 October – when we are all invited to focus on remembrance and take part in the Wave of Light.
At the end of the awareness week, 15 October, you may like to take part in the annual International Wave of Light. This is when people around the world light a candle in remembrance of the baby or babies they have lost, at 7pm local time. Photos are then shared on social media, which in turn creates a ‘wave of light’ that spreads across the globe. You can join in this virtual event by adding your photo, with the hashtag #WaveofLight.
If you or anyone you know would like further support, please see below: local organisation for group and on-to-one support following baby and pregnancy loss memorial service details Chester Support Group - Meeting on Last Wednesday of the month 8-9.30 at All Saints Church Centre, Chester ****Please note October’s meeting is on 24th October**** – national charity with info and support forums.